CollectiX Garbage boat

Eleven millions of tons of plastic pour into our oceans every year, harming nature and humans. To put it figuratively: Every minute, a truckload of plastic waste enters the oceans. 

Together they organize a joint Cleanup Mission, that will fight the waste pollution of waters in Phnom Penh. The partners will collect tons of material out of rivers using everwave‘s efficient garbage boat and manual Cleanups.

The first Collectix mission took place in southeast Asia and started to ship the Collectix boat from Germany to Cambodia on 4 February 2022.

With a loading volume of 2.75 tons, the CollectiX garbage boat is perfectly designed for collecting large carpets of litter. It can be easily unloaded at the water’s edge and thus collects approx 20 tons of material per day.

Finally, our first Collectix boat arrived safe and sound in Cambodia on 8 March 2022. We and our partnership are so excited to start our cleanup campaign for a very first time in Cambodia.